It’s time to move out of my comfort zone. Again.
Life is a series of moving out of comfort zones into places you feel completely unqualified for. Starting a new job, taking a new class, trying a new hobby. For life to really be worthwhile, you have to be okay with being an amateur. That’s the only place to start.
This is bad news for a perfectionist like me. Ever since I was a kid, I hated not being instantly great at things. It’s why I quit piano and karate and French. And I’m still struggling with this as an adult. In fact, as I’m writing this blog post, I’m coping with the fact that I’m not as good of a writer as I want to be. It’s tempting to save this in a private file instead of posting it.
But I’ve spent too much of my life saving ideas and dreams in private files instead of outwardly walking them out. Because of this, the vision I have for my life doesn’t match how I live day to day.
I think a lot of this is tied to my history of anxiety. I built walls to protect myself from the outside world because it scared me. I daydreamed about the life I wanted to have instead of making it happen.
Thankfully, my mental health has greatly improved, and I’m now better equipped to step outside of those walls, outside of my comfort zone. And I’m running out of reasons to stay put. So, it’s time to move.