I want to be surrounded by beautiful things. But I want the beauty to be fruit, not frills.
I want it to come from all the good things inside me. From inner peace, deep joy, well-being. I want to attract and lift up good people, and for good things to come from those connections. I want my life to feel good, not just look good.
At times, I've wanted to fill my empty spaces with shiny material things that were simply bought, not earned. But deep down I knew it wouldn’t be enough.
Something about that unspoken truth saddened me. It made the vast and deep and beautiful life I desired to feel far away.
The truth is, it takes time and hard work for life to be good. Even though, often, the way to make life good is to make it simple. But simplicity can be hard since it goes against what we're told is valuable.
It can be difficult to accept that a simple life is more than enough.