There’s something incredibly inspiring about perusing the pages of Architectural Digest.
Flipping through photos of carefully curated spaces, from maximalist apartments to traditional houses, French country estates to contemporary lofts, I’m awed by the infinite versions of home.
Despite my fascination, many of the featured residences are far from my style, and I instantly know I wouldn’t want to live there. I find calm and comfort in minimalism and would probably be overwhelmed in a vibrant and busy space.
I remember a spread that featured a couple’s home inspired by a now-defunct European amusement park. It was filled with bold primary hues and kitschy tchotchkes that would have made me nauseous but made the homeowners nostalgic.
I greatly admire how the couple completely transformed the space to make it wholly their own. They had a vision and they made it happen. They weren’t concerned about what other people would think. And because of that, their home is now a true expression of who they are.
I want to curate my life to be a true expression of who I am. And I mean beyond aesthetic.
Sometimes, I have to remind myself that I have the agency to do what I want. That I don't have to follow any pre-set timeline or the safe route. That I can be intentional about filling my life with family, movement, writing, music, beautiful spaces, deep relationships, and meaningful experiences.
It's certainly easier said than done. I’ve allowed external factors and fear to curate my life for so long that at this point it's second nature.
But I know it’s time for that to change. I know it’s time to curate the life I feel led to live. To fervently pursue and walk out my big dreams. It’s my path to create.
And as I begin to walk in my truth, I trust that the right people, opportunities, and experiences will find me along the way.